Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Little Catch-up!

I know this blog has been quiet awhile, but I -do- have news! Disappear released November 9th.

Uploading today is one of MY personal favorites, "Hooded"! Expect some linkage soon, but here's a cover peek!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

"Thug" Released June 27th!

Thug is totally live :) You can check it out at Amazon or Barnes and Noble! Smashwords coming soon :)

Friday, July 8, 2011

July WIP 2011

Goals this month:
Finish "Thug".
Publish "Thug" by the 22nd.
Finish enough of the remaining Season 1 episodes for concept covers.
Decide the story for episode 9.
Try to get at least 5k of something "else" written.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

June WIP

Whoops, way late!

I wonked out on my goals for last month. "Coward" completed and released on time, but didn't get much "other" writing done.

Goals this month:
Finish "Thief"
Publish "Thief" by the 22nd
25% of Episode 5

Better get to work ;)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

"Coward" Released!

"Coward", the third episode of the Icarus Helix series, released on schedule and is now available for purchase!

It is available for $0.99 from:
Barnes and Noble
and Smashwords

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May 2011 WIP

Okay, so things for this month!

"Coward", Episode 3 of the Icarus Helix series, is scheduled to release May 18th.

Additional goals for May:
5k on "Yellow House"
1 new short story

Bonus goals for May:
1k on "Image"
1k on "Pancake Man"

So my additional/bonus goals are light, but I _do_ have "Coward" to finish ;) Fun month ahead!

Monday, April 25, 2011

"Liar" Released April 15th

I just am terrible at posting, apparently? I swear I wrote this post, maybe I did it in my sleep...

Anyway, "Liar" has been up and running for ten days!

It's ready for your reading pleasure on Amazon, Barnes and Noble or Smashwords!

Friday, April 15, 2011

"Liar" Processing

It started around 3am this morning on all three sites - Amazon, B&N and Smashwords (and thence to Kobo, Diesel, etc).

Smashwords will probably be ready later today, as they are generally the fastest. The extended catalog (Premium Distribution) probably won't be ready for about a month, however.

Amazon should show later this weekend, followed by B&N.

All three sites were submitted (almost) simultaneously, instead of on a staggered plan.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

April 2011 WIP

"Liar" the 2nd episode of the Icarus Helix series is still on schedule to come out April 15th.

I wrote a short story (@2400 words) yesterday. I am looking to put together a bundle of these, possibly with release this month, or next.

The timeline for IH 01-03 is almost complete.

The concepts for IH 01-04~06 have been drafted.

A tentative decision has been made to make each season of IH 10 episodes. Episode 10 has been drafted. This would mean IH will run at least until December.

When IH 01-04 is released, there may be a longer-than-normal break before 05.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

"Cheat" is Live

You can find it on Amazon and also on Barnes and Noble.

Please enjoy the first installment of the Icarus Helix series!


Thursday, March 10, 2011

"Cheat" Released

"Cheat" is now processing on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Friday, February 25, 2011

February ~ March WIP

My next work is tentatively titled, "Cheater's Pass". It will be a 20k novella in my episodic series (also tentatively titled), Icarus Helix.

The episodes of Icarus Helix are meant to be fully contained, stand-alone novellas. They will generally feature one character affected by the Icarus Helix. They can be read in any sequence.

The Icarus Helix series will be Young Adult.

The cover artist will be Jeroen ten Berge.

Each novella will be priced at $.99, pending popularity.

I hope to release 1 a month for at least 6 months. First release will be aimed between March 15 ~ April 1st.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

"Shackled" is Released!

Shackled is now LIVE! The price is $2.99.

You can buy it on Amazon.
Or, Barnes & Noble.
Or even, Smashwords!

Enjoy my hard work!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Current WIP (Work-In-Progress)

My current novel - tentatively, Chains of Memory - is scheduled for release the week of Valentine's Day: 2/13 ~ 2/20.

My cover artist will be Jeroen Ten Berge.

The price is set at $3.99, subject to change.